Page:The geography of Strabo (1854) Volume 1.djvu/335

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B. v. c. i. 10. ITALY. CISALPINE GAUL. 321 the dogs no longer pursue them. They say, too, that a certain person, well known for the facility with which he offered him- self as a pledge for others, being bantered on this subject by some hunters who came up with him having a wolf in leash, they said in jest, that if he would become pledge for the wolf and pay for the damage he might do, they would loose the bonds. To this the man consented, and they let loose the wolf, who gave chase to a herd of horses unbranded, and drove them into the stable of the person who had become pledge for him. The man accepted the gift, branded the horses with [the representation of] a wolf, and named them Lucophori. They were distinguished rather for their swiftness than gracefulness. His heirs kept the same brand and the same name for this race of horses, and made it a rule never to part with a single mare, in order that they might remain sole possessors of the race, which became famous. At the present day, however, as we have before remarked, this [rage for] horse-breeding has entirely ceased. After the Timavum l comes the sea-coast of Istria as far as Pola, which appertains to Italy. Between [the two] is the fortress of Tergeste, distant from Aquileia 180 stadia. Pola is situated in a gulf forming a kind of port, and containing some small islands, 2 fruitful, and with good harbours. This city was anciently founded by the Colchians sent after Medea, who not being able to fulfil their mission, condemned them- selves to exile. As Callimachus says, " It a Greek would call The town of Fugitives, but in their tongue 'Tis Pola named." The different parts of Transpadana are inhabited by the Heneti and the IstriL as far as Pola ; above the Heneti, by the Garni, the Cenomani, the Medoaci, and the Symbri. 3 These nations were formerly at enmity with the Romans, but the Cenomani and Heneti allied themselves with that nation, both prior to the expedition of Hannibal, when they waged war with the Boii and Symbrii, 3 and also after that time. 10. Cispadana comprehends all that country enclosed be- 1 The Timavum, or temple consecrated to Diomede. 2 The Isola di Brioni, Conversara, and S. Nicolo. Pliny calls them Insulae Pullarise. 3 This name is probably corrupt ; Cora-y proposes to read Insubri.