Page:The geography of Strabo (1854) Volume 1.djvu/351

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B. v. c. ii. 10. ITALY. UMBRIA. 337 mencing from Ravenna, the Ombrici inhabit the neighbouring country together with the cities of Sarsina, Ariminum, 1 Sena, 2 f and Marinum. f 3 To their country likewise belongs the river Esino, 4 Mount Cingulum, [the city of] Sentinum, 5 the river Metaurus, and the Fanum Fortunae ; 6 for about these parts are the boundaries which separate ancient Italy and [Cisalpine] Keltica on the side next the Adriatic, although the boundary has frequently been changed by the chief men of the state. First they made the Esino the boundary; afterwards the river Rubicon : the Esino being between Ancona and Sena, and the Rubicon between Ariminum and Ravenna, both of them falling into the Adriatic. At the present day, however, since Italy compre- hends the whole country as far as the Alps, we need take no further notice of these limits. All allow that Ombrica 7 extends as far as Ravenna, as the inhabitants are Ombrici. From Ravenna to Ariminum they say is about 300 stadia. Going from Ariminum to Rome by the Via Flaminia, the whole journey lies through Ombrica as far as the city of Ocricli 8 and the Tiber, a distance of 1350 stadia. This, consequently, is the length [of Ombrica] ; its breadth varies. The cities of considerable magnitude situated on this side the Apennines along the Via Flaminia, are Ocricli on the Tiber, Laroloni, 9 and Narnia, 10 through which the Nera n flows. This river dis- charges itself into the Tiber a little above Ocricli ; it is not navigable for large vessels. After these are Carsuli and Mevania, 12 past which latter the Teneas 13 flows, by which river the merchandise of the plain is transported in small vessels to the Tiber. There are also other cities well populated, rather on account of the route along which they lie, than for their political importance. Such are Forum Flaminium, 14 Nuceria 15 where wooden vases are manufactured, and Forum Sempro- nium. 16 Going from Ocricli to Ariminum, on the right of the 1 Rimini. - Sinigaglia. 3 Apparently an interpolation ; vide Kramer's edition, vol. i. p. 358, n. 4 The ^Esis. 5 Sentina. 6 Fano. 1 Umbria. 8 Otricoli. 9 No such city as this is mentioned in any other writer; the word as it now stands is evidently corrupt. 10 Narni. ll The ancient Nar. l2 Bevagna. 13 Mevania stood at the junction of the Tinia (now Timia) and the Topino. 14 Forfiamma, or Ponte-Centesimo, or the village of Vescia. , ls Nocera Camellaria. 16 Fosscmbruno.