Page:The geography of Strabo (1854) Volume 1.djvu/368

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354 STRABO. CASAUB. 238. the Tiburtine stone-quarries, those of the Gabii, and those denominated the red-stone quarries. As both the carriage from the quarries and the conveyance by river, are easy, most of the Roman edifices are built of materials from hence. In this plain flow the cold waters called Albula, they spring from numerous fountains, and are taken both as a beverage and as baths, 1 for the cure of various diseases. Of the same kind are the LabanaB, 2 not far from these, on the Via Nomentana, and near to Eretum. 3 At PraBneste is the celebrated temple and oracle of Fortune. Both this and the preceding city are situated on the same chain of mountains, and are distant from each other 100 stadia. Prseneste is 200 stadia from Rome, Tibura less than that distance. They are said to be both of Grecian foundation, Praeneste being formerly named Poly- stephanus. They are both fortified, but Praeneste is the stronger place of the two, having for its citadel a lofty moun- tain, which overhangs the town, and is divided at the back from the adjoining mountain range by a neck of land. This mountain is two stadia higher than the neck in direct altitude. In addition to these [natural] defences, the city is furnished on all sides with subterraneous passages, which extend to the plains, and some of which serve to convey water, while others form secret ways ; it was in one of these that Marius 4 perished, when he was besieged. Other cities are in most instances benefited by a strong position, but to the people of Prabneste it has proved a bane, owing to the civil wars of the Romans. The waters from the sulphur-lake ; named the Solfatara di Tivoli. 2 Now the Lago di S. Giovanni, or Bagni di Grotta Marozza. 3 Prob. Cretona, not Monte Rotondo. 4 The younger Marius being entirely defeated by Sulla in the decisive battle fought near Sacriportus, B. c. 82, Marius threw himself into Prae- neste, where he had deposited the treasures of the Capitoline temple. (Pliny H. N. 1. xxxiii. s. 5.) Sulla left Lucretius Opella to prosecute the siege while he hastened on to Rome. Various efforts were made to relieve Praeneste, but they all failed ; and after Sulla's great victory at the Colline gate of Rome, in which Pontius Telesinus was defeated and slain, Marius despaired of holding out any longer, and in company with the brother of Telesinus attempted to escape by a subterraneous passage, which led from the town into the open country ; but finding that their flight was discovered, they put an end to one another's lives. According to other accounts, Marius killed himself, or was killed by his slave at his own request. Marius perished in the year of his consulship. Sniith, D.ict. Biogr. and Myth.