Page:The geography of Strabo (1854) Volume 1.djvu/37

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CHAP. ii. 2. INTRODUCTION. triana, 1 and the land of the Scythians 2 lying beyond before we knew but little. Thus we can add much ii not supplied by former writers, but this will best be seen wiien we come to treat on the writers who have preceded us ; and this method we shall pursue, not so much in regard to the primitive geographers, as to Eratosthenes and those subsequent to him. As these writers far surpassed the generality in the amount of their knowledge, so naturally it is more difficult to detect their errors when such occur. If I seem to contradict those most whom I take chiefly for my guides, I must claim indulgence on the plea, that it w r as never intended to criticise the whole body of geographers, the larger number of whom are not worthy of consideration, but to give an opinion of those only who are generally found correct. Still, while many are beneath discussion, such men as Eratosthenes. Po- sidonius, Hipparchus, Poly^bius, and others of their stamp, deserve our hignjest consideration. 2. Let us first examine Eratosthenes, reviewing at the same time what Hipparchus has advanced against him. Eratos- thenes is much too creditable an historian for us to believe what Polemon endeavours to charge against him, that he had not even seen Athens. At the same time he does not merit that unbounded confidence which some seem to repose in him, although, as he himself tells us, he passed much of his time with first-rate [characters]. Never, says he, at one period, and in one city, were there so many philosophers flourishing together as in my time. In their number was Ariston and Arcesilaus. This, however, it seems is not sufficient, nbut you musTalso be able to choose who are the real guides whom it is your interest to follow. He considers Arcesilaus and Ariston to be the coryphaei of the philosophers who flourished in his time, and is ceaseless in his eulogies of Apelles and Bion, ing only the north of Comis, east of Masanderan, the country near Corcan or Jorjan, (Dshiordshian, ) and the west of the province of Khorassan. 1 A country of Asia, on the west bounded by Aria, south by the moun- tains of Paropamisus, east by the Emodi montes, north by Sogdiana, now belongs to the kingdom of Afhganistan. Bactriana was anciently the centre of Asiatic commerce. 2 A general name given by the Greeks and Romans to a large portion of Asia, and divided by them into Scythia intra et extra Imaum, that is, on either side of Mount Imaus. This mountain is generally thought to answer to the Himalaya mountains of Thibet.