Page:The geography of Strabo (1854) Volume 1.djvu/511

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B. vii. c. vii. 6. EFIRUS. 497 proti,) occupy the coast, a fertile tract reaching from the Ceraunian mountains to the Ambracian Gulf. The voyage commencing from the Chaones eastward towards the Gulfs of Ambracia and Corinth, and having the Ausonian Sea on the right, and Epirus on the left, comprises 1300 stadia to the mouth of the Ambracian Gulf. In this interval is Pa- normus, 1 a large port in the middle of the Ceraunian moun- tains. Next to this is Onchesmus, 2 another harbour, opposite to which are the western extremities of Corcyra, 3 and then again another port, Cassiope, 4 (Cassope ?) whence to Brundu- siuin 5 are 1700 stadia. It is the same distance to Tarentum from another promontory more to the south than Cassiope, which is called Phalacrum. Next after Onchesmus are Po- sidium, and Buthrotum, 6 (which is situated upon the mouth of the lake Pelodes, in a spot of a peninsula form, and has a Roman colony,) and the Sybota. The Sybota 7 are small islands at a little distance from Epirus, lying near Leucimme, 8 the eastern promontory of Corcyra. There are also other small islands, not worthy of notice, which are met with along the coast. Next is the promontory Chimerium, and a harbour called Glycys-Limen, [or Sweet Harbour,] where the river Acheron, which receives several other rivers, empties itself and renders fresh the water of the gulf. The Thyamus 9 flows near it. Above this gulf is situated Cichyrus, formerly Ephyra, a city of the Thesproti, and above the gulf at Buthrotum, Phoenice. 10 Near Cichyrus is Buchetium, a small city of the Cassopaei, situated at a little distance from the sea ; Elatria, Pandosia, and Batiaj are in the inland parts. Their territory extends as far as the gulf. Next after the harbour Glycys-Limen are two others, Comarus, 11 the nearest and smallest, forming an isthmus of 60 stadia, near the Ambracian Gulf and Nicopolis, 12 founded by Augustus Caesar ; the other, the more distant and larger, and better harbour, is near the mouth of the gulf, and distant from Nicopolis about 12 stadia. 6. Then follows the entrance of the Ambracian Gulf, 1 Panormo. 2 Santi Quaranta. 3 Corfu. 4 Cassiopo. b Brindisi. Butrinto. " Syvota. 8 C. Bianco. 9 The Thyamus, or Thyamis, is now called Glycys, arid the Acheron, Calaraas. 10 Sopoto. ll Porto Fanari. 12 The ruins of Nicopolis are to the north of Prevesa. VOL. i. 2 K