Page:The geography of Strabo (1854) Volume 1.djvu/525

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FRAGM. 2G 32. MACEDONIA. 511 called Potidrea, 1 founded by the Corinthians, but afterwards it was called Cassandria, from king Cassander, who restored it after it was demolished. It is a circuit of 570 stadia round the peninsula by sea. Here giants were said to have lived, and the region to have been called Phlegra. Some consider this to be a mere fable, but others, with greater probability on their side, see implied in it 4he existence of a barbarous and lawless race of people who once occupied the country, but who were destroyed by Hercules on his return home, after the capture of Troy. Here also the Trojan women are said to have committed the destructive act of burn- ing the ships, to avoid becoming the slaves of their captors' wives. E. 26. The city Beroea 2 lies at the roots of Mount Bermius. EPIT. 27. Pallene is a peninsula. On the isthmus of Pallene lies what was once Potidcea, but now Cassandra. It was formerly called Phlegra, and was inhabited by the fabulous giants, an impious and lawless race, who were destroyed by Hercules. It has upon it four cities, Aphytis, Mende, Scione, and Sana. EPIT. . 28. Olynthus is distant from Potidaea 70 stadia. E. 29. The arsenal of Olynthus is Mecyberna, on the Toro- ncean Gulf. EPIT., 30. Near Olynthus is a hollow tract called Cantharoleth- ron, from an accidental circumstance. The Cantharus, (the beetle,) which is bred in the surrounding country, dies as soon as it touches this tract. EPIT. 31. Next after Cassandria is the remaining part of the sea- coast of the Toronosan Gulf, as far as Derris. It is a pro- montory opposite the district of Canastrum, and forms a gulf. Opposite to Derris, to the east, are the promontories of Athos ; between them is the Singitic Gulf, which receives its name from an ancient city in it, Singus, now destroyed. Next is the city Acanthus, situated on the isthmus of Athos, 3 founded by the Andrii ; whence, by many, it is called the Acanthian Gulf. E. 32. Opposite to Canastrum, a promontory of Pallene, is the promontory Derris, near Cophus-Limen [or Deaf Harbour] : 1 The ruins of Potidaea, or Cassandria, are near Pinako. 2 Karafaja. 3 Monte Santo.