Page:The geography of Strabo (1854) Volume 2.djvu/136

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128 STRABO. CASAUB. 427." contains clots of blood. Hence also the nation had the name of Ozolae. 1 Opposite Antirrhium is Molycreia, 2 a small JEtolian city. Amphissa is situated at the extremity of the Crisaaan plain. It was razed, as we have said before, by the Amphictyons. CEanthia and Eupalium belong to the Locri. The whole voy- age along the coast of the Locri is a little more than 200 stadia. 9. There is an Alope 3 both here among the Locri Ozolae, as also among the Epicnemidii, and in the Phthiotis. These are a colony of the Epicnemidii, and the Epizephyrii a colony of the Ozolae. 10. ^Etolians are continuous with the Locri Hesperii, and the ^Enianes, who occupy (Eta with the Epicnemidii, and be- tween them Dorians. These last are the people who inha- bited the Tetrapolis, which is called the capital of all the Dorians. They possessed the cities Erineus, Bceum, Pindus, Cytinium. Pindus is situated above Erineus. A river of the same name flows beside it, and empties itself into the Cephis- sus, not far from Lilaea. Some writers call Pindus, Acyphas. jJEgimius, king of these Dorians, when an exile from his kingdom, was . restored, as they relate, by Hercules. He re- quited this favour after the death of Hercules at CEta by adopting Hyllus, the eldest of the sons of Hercules, and both he and his descendants succeeded him in the kingdom. It was from this place that the Heracleidae set out on their return to Peloponnesus. 1 1 . These cities were for some time of importance, although they were small, and their territory not fruitful. They were afterwards neglected. After what they suffered in the Pho- cian war and under the dominion of the Macedonians, JQto- lians, and Athamanes, it is surprising that even a vestige of them should have remained to the time of the Romans. It was the same with the JEnianes, who were exterminated by jEtolians and Athamanes. The JEtolians were a very powerful people, and carried on war together with the Acar- nanians. The Athamanes were the last of the Epeirotae, who attained distinction when the rest were declining, and acquired power by the assistance of their king Amynander. The .^Enianes, however, kept possession of (Eta. 1 From 6%t~iv, to smell. 2 Maurolimne. 3 The site is unknown.