Page:The geography of Strabo (1854) Volume 2.djvu/208

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200 STRABO. CASAUB. 479. Dicte. For Cydonia is not at all situated in the neighbour- hood of these places, but lies at the western extremity of the island. The mountain Tityrus 1 belongs to the Cydonian terri- tory ; upon it is situated a temple, not called Dictaean, but Dictynnaean. 13. Cydonia is situated on the sea, fronting Laconia, at an equal distance from both Cnossus and Gortyn, about 800 stadia, and from Aptera 80, and from the sea in this quarter 40 stadia. Cisamus 2 is the naval arsenal of Aptera. 3 The Polyrrhenii border upon the Cydoniatse towards the west ; in their territory is the temple of Dictynna. They are at the distance of about 30 stadia from the sea, and 60 from Phala- sarna. Formerly they lived in villages ; then Achaeans and Laconians settled there together, and fortified with a wall a strong site fronting the south. 14. Of the three cities founded by Minos, the last, which was Phaestus, 4 was razed by the Gortynians ; it was at the distance of 60 stadia from Gortyn, 20 from the sea, and from Matalum, the arsenal, 40 stadia. They who razed the city possess the territory. Rhytium also together with Phaestus belongs to the Gortynians, " both Phsestus and Rhytium." 5 Epimenides, who performed lustrations by the means of his poetry, is said to have been a native of Phaestus. Olyssa (Lisses ?) also belonged to the territory of Phasstus. Cherrhonesus, 6 as it is called, is the arsenal of Lyttus or (Lyctus), which we have before mentioned ; on the former is the temple of Britomartis. Miletus and Lycastus, the cities which were enumerated together with Lyctus, no longer exist ; but the territory, after they had razed the city (Lyctus), was partitioned among Lyctians and Cnossians. 15. As the poet in one place speaks of Crete as having a hundred, and in another ninety, cities, Ephorus says, that ten were founded in later times after the Trojan war by the Dori- 1 Tityrus is the ridge of mountains which terminates in Cape Spada. 2 Kisamos. 3 See Pashley, Travels in Crete, vol. i. c. 4, who places Aptera at Palaeocastron, on the south of the bay of Siedh and Polyrrhenia, at the Palaeocastron, to the south of the Guli' of Kisamos. 4 Hodyitra. 5 II. ii. 648. 6 Episcopiano.