Page:The geography of Strabo (1854) Volume 2.djvu/307

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B. xii. c. in. 22. PONTUS. 299 Alope is nowhere to be found in that situation, and the alter- ation in the text, itself a great change, and contrary to the authority of ancient copies, looks like an adaptation formed for the occasion. The Scepsian (Demetrius) does not adopt the opinion of Ephorus, nor does he agree with those who suppose them to be the Halizoni about Pallene, whom we mentioned in the de- scription of Macedonia. He is at a loss also to understand how any one could suppose that auxiliaries could come to the Trojans from the Nomades situated above the Borysthenes. He much approves of the opinion of Hecatasus the Milesian, and of Menecrates of Elea, disciples of Xenocrates, and that of Palogphatus. The first of these says in his work entitled ' : the Circuit of the Earth," " near the city Alazia is the river Odrysses, which after flowing through the plain of Mygdonia from the west, out of the lake Dascylitis, empties itself into the Rhyndacus." He further relates that- Alazia is now de- serted, but that many villages of the Alazones through which the Odrysses flows are inhabited. In these villages Apollo is worsihpped with peculiar honours, and especially on the confines of the Cyziceni. Menecrates, in his work " the Circuit of the Hellespont," says that above the places near Myrleia there is a continuous mountain tract occupied by the nation of the Halizoni. The name, he says, ought to be written with two 1's, Hallizoni, but the poet uses one only on account of the metre. Palaephatus says that Odius and Epistrophus levied their army from among the Amazons^then living in Alope, but at present in Zeleia. 1 Do the opinions of these persons deserve approbation ? For besides their alteration of the ancient text, and the position of this people, they neither point out the silver mines, nor where in Myrleatis Alope is situated, nor how they, who came thence to Troy, came " from afar," although it should be granted that there existed an Alope, or an Alazia. For these are much nearer Troy than the places about Ephesus. Those, however, are triflers, in the opinion of Demetrius, who speak of the existence of Amazons near Pygela, between Ephesus, Magnesia, and Priene, for the words " from afar " do not agree with the spot ; much less will they agree with a situa- tion about Mysia, and Teuthrania. l Sarakoi.