Page:The geography of Strabo (1854) Volume 2.djvu/49

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B. vin. c. v. 2, 3. LACONIA. 41 Hades. Thence to the promontory Phycus in Cyrenaica, is a passage across towards the south of 3000 stadia ; and to Pachynus, towards the west, the promontory of Sicily, 4600, or, according to some writers, 4000 stadia ; to Maleae, towards the east, including the measurement of the bays, 670 stadia ; to Onugnathus, 1 a low peninsula a little within Maleae, 520 stadia. (In front of Onugnathus, at the distance of 40 stadia, lies Cythera, 2 an island with a good harbour, and a city of the same name, which was the private property of Eurycles, the commander of the Lacedemonians in our time. It is sur- rounded by several small islands, some near it, others lying somewhat farther off.) To Corycus, a promontory of Crete, the nearest passage by sea is 250 stadia. 3 2. Next to Taenarum on the voyage to Onugnathus and to Maleaa 4 is Amathus, (Psamathus,) a city; then follow Asine, and Gythium, 5 the naval arsenal of Sparta, situated at an in- terval of 240 stadia. Its station for vessels, they say, is ex- cavated by art. Farther on, between Gythium and Acraea, is the mouth of the Eurotas. 6 To this place the voyage along the coast is about 240 stadia ; then succeeds a marshy tract, and a village, Helos, which formerly was a city, according to Ho- mer ; " They who occupied Amyclse, and Helos, a small town on the sea-coast." 7 They say that it was founded by Helius the son of Perseus. There is a plain also call Leuce ; then Cyparissia, 8 a city upon a peninsula, with a harbour ; then Onugnathus with a harbour ; next Brea, a city ; then Maleaa. From these cities to Onugnathus are 150 stadia. There is also Asopus, 9 a city in Laconia. 3. Among the places enumerated by Homer in the Cata- logue of the Ships, Messa, they say, is no longer to be found ; and that Messoa is not a part of Laconia, but a part of Sparta itself, as was the LimnaBum near Thornax. Some understand 1 The Ass's Jaw. It is detached from the continent, and is now the island of Servi. 2 Cerigo. 3 750 stadia. Groskurd.

  • By others written in the singular number, Malea, now C. St. Angelo.

5 The site of Gythium is identified as between Marathonisi and Trinissa. 6 The Iri, or Vasili Potamo. 7 II. ii. 584. 8 Rupina, or Castel Rampano. The plain of Leuce is traversed by the river Mario-revina. 9 The site of Asopus appears, according to the ruins indicated in the Austrian map, to have been situated a little to the north of Rupina.