Page:The growth of medicine from the earliest times to about 1800.djvu/199

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Explanation of some of the Ancient Terms Employed by Hippocrates.

On the Establishment of the Art of Medicine.

Definitions of Medical Terms.

On the Different Sects in Medicine.

Discourse against the Empirics.

On the Importance, for a Physician, of a Thorough training in Philosophy.

The Physician; or Introduction to Medicine.

The Elements, as taught by Hippocrates. (2 books.)

The Different Temperaments. (3 books.)

On the Nature of Man; Commentaries on two Books of Hippocrates. (2 books.)

The Humors.

Do the Arteries Normally contain Blood?

On Black Bile.

On the Bones. (For Students in anatomy.)

Dissection of the Vocal Organs.

The Anatomy of the Eyes.

Dissection of the Veins and Arteries.

Dissection of the Nerves.

On the Utility of the Different parts of the Body. (17 books.)

On the Natural Faculties. (3 books.)

The Sentiments of Hippocrates and of Plato. (9 books.)

The Organ of Smell.

The Movements of the Muscles. (2 books.)

The Physiology of Respiration.

On Obesity.

On the Maintenance of Health. (6 books.)

The Characteristics of Different Foods. (3 books.)

Precepts regarding the Diet best suited to the Four Different Seasons and to Each of the Twelve Months of the Year.

On the Manner of Living best suited to those who Wish to Preserve their Health. (3 books.)

On Habit.

On the Differences between Diseases.

On the Causes of Diseases.

On Marasmus or Consumption.

On the Different Kinds of Fevers. (2 books.)

On Thirst.