Page:The histories of Launceston and Dunheved, in the county of Cornwall.djvu/107

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LA HIDLONDE. 89 La Hidlonde aforesaid, and the election of a Mayor and Provosts of the said borough, the parties aforesaid, being at length desirous of ending by arbitration their quarrels concerning all the premises, the Burgesses of the Borough aforesaid have voluntarily submitted themselves to the order, decision, and final award of Sir Robert the son of William the Knight, Magister Marcham of the Castle, John of Burdon, and John of Carnedon, under a penalty of ^"20 on their part to be levied and paid at the fabric of the Chapel of the Blessed Mary the Virgin, near the Church of the Blessed Mary Magdalene of the borough aforesaid, that they would obey and observe the order of the aforesaid Robert Marcham, John, and Johnj of which order this is the tenor: It is ordered by the said Robert, the son of William the Knight, Magister Marcham of the Castle, John of Burdon, and John of Carnadon, that all the tenants of la Hidlonde [having] farms there for terms beyond the term of twelve years from the feast of St. Michael next ensuing, shall, notwithstanding their allotments were granted to them by the Mayor ana Commonalty for a term exceeding twelve years, give up such allotments into the hands of the Mayor and Commonalty, and the said enclosures shall be considered unoccupied and void, so that the said Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty, may of them make new allotments according to the form of their enclosures, for a term of twelve years from the feast of St. Michael in the year of our Lord 13 19 thence next following, fully to be completed, for the ending of their terms, and there shall thenceforth be allowed to the aforesaid farmers, out of the property of the Commonalty of the borough aforesaid, to every one of such farmers one half of all the money paid to the Mayor and Commonalty for the new entry upon the unoccupied and void lands of those expelled, by way of compensation, and for the breach of the aforesaid terms : And the others of the said farmers, having terms of less than twelve years, may thenceforth, by paying sufficient rent-, hold their lands as void and unoccupied, and thenceforward the lands of those farmers shall not be assigned to any persons or person who may seek and wish to obtain such lands and farms and offer to give more for them. It is ordered also that, at the open time, after the corn and meadows are mown and the produce removed from the land of La Hidlonde aforesaid, it shall be lawful for everyone of the Commonalty of the borough aforesaid, in the open time aforesaid, to depasture his cattle on the said land,