Page:The histories of Launceston and Dunheved, in the county of Cornwall.djvu/132

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ii4 DUNHEVED. Costs of repairs of the Church in the winter : for 1400 covering stones bought in the quarry, 2s. 4& ; for carriage of the same, and for carriage of sand, 2od. ; for 1000 of lath nails, 2od. ; for one hundred of laths, 7d. ; for wages to William Hulyn, for 8£ days at the batill stones, and at roofing the Church. Repairs to the Church in the summer : for 2000 covering-stones ; for four quarters of lime, and the carriage thereof, 5s. 4d. ; for speknaills, 6d.; for carriage of water to dissolve the lime, 2d.; for thirty-two feet of crest (crease), 2s. 8d. On the back of this strip is the entry : — Costs incurred about the West Well in the sixth year : for wages of John Davy, three days, is. 6d.; ditto, Henry Paulyn, one day, 4d.; [ten or twelve names follow with the sum paid to each.] Entries succeed for drawing stones from the quarry, iod. ; wages of one man and one horse — for two and a half days about the stones, 13d.; for five bottles of ale given to divers men for their labor in removing " scoll " [rubbish], 7^d.; for pipes; for wages in laying pipes; for one ragge bought, 2d., &c. Total, 24s. nd. On another of these strips, under the heading "At Tavy- stoke for the night," appears, For attendants [query, jesters] at dinner, 2d.; for wine and ale, 3d.; for hay and provender, 7d. ; for shoeing one horse, 2d.; for wine, 7d. ; for gifts, 2d. "At Plympton:" for breakfast, 6d. ; for the horses, 8d. ; for a copy of the process, 2d. "At Tavy stoke returning:" for dinner, 6d. ; for the horses, 6d.; for bread and wine at the entertainment, 2-£d. ; for wine given at home to the mayor, 2id. ; for two capons, 4d. Total, 5s. " On the second 'journey .*" for one capon, 2d. ; for veal, 2d. ; for dinner, at Tavystoke, i5d. ; for the horses, i6d. ; for the atten- dants, 4d. ; for refreshments in the morning, 3d. "At Plympton:" for breakfast, io^d. ; for the horses, i6d.; for dinner at the house, with one capon, i8^d. ; for wine drank out of doors, 3^d. ; for five capons, io^d. ; for wine given to Robert Heye by the mayor on account of his being a good friend in Court at Tremeton, 5d. Total, 8s. iod. " The third turn .•" For gifts, 2d.; for wine, i2d.; for the horse, i9d. Another slip is intituled — Expenses incurred about the Justices at the time of the Assize of the i5ths [probably of assessing the inhabitants at one fifteenth of their incomes] : For white bread,