Page:The histories of Launceston and Dunheved, in the county of Cornwall.djvu/142

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122 DUNHEVED. occupiers and the sum paid by each.] Total acreage, 72a. ir. 24^p. Total of the money, 72s. o£d. Bodmam agistment, in the winter of the fifth year : John Paynter, for one horse, 7d. ; Lawrence Martyn, for one horse, 7d., [and seven other persons.] Total, 6s. 3d. On another slip : Bodmam agistment, arrears 6th Henry V. William Tharrapp, for five bullocks, 4s. 2d. ; the same William, for three small bullocks, 4d.; cows, &c. On another strip: Total rents of the Mayor and Commonalty 5 and 6 Henry V. Bodmam and Gybba, ^16 10s. io|d. and one pound of pepper; also for winter agistment, 6s. 3d., and for summer agistment, 21s. iod. On another very small strip : Cost of the houses. For one lath [probably split pole]; for one day repairing the wall and broken window of the dovecote, 4d.; for one man covering the same for fifteen days and at the roof of the Knight's chamber and garner, 6s. id.; for one carpenter, for one day about the boarding of the reading-desk in the chamber. On the back of this slip is, "Sum total of the cost of the prepositures per annum, ;£i6 16s. 2d. Court roll of Richard Palmer, Mayor [November, 1420.] Court held on Thursday next before the feast of St. Clement, 7 Henry V. William Degher puts himself on the mercy of the Common- alty for taking stones from Bodyer's quarry, and carrying away the profits of the borough there. He paid i2d. Many persons are amerced for breaking the assize of ale. William Mustard and other burgesses are fined for default of suit at court; others are fined for defaults in pleading, &c. Alan Proute is amerced 1 2d. for that he occupied the street with a [uncer.] near Bisemere Benche, whereby the butchers, tenants of the Com- monalty, are incommoded, and he was ordered to remove the same. The bailiff presents that Thomas Edward dug one well in the quarry of Bodyere without licence, and contrary to the order of the Mayor. Court held on Friday in the feast of St. Thomas the Martyr, 7 Henry V. Persons are fined for default of suit at court and for breach of the assize of ale. The bailiff is fined for not distraining Olyver Wyse and several others to compel fealty to the Mayor and Commonalty. Court held on Thursday in the Supper of the Lord, 8 Henry V.