Page:The histories of Launceston and Dunheved, in the county of Cornwall.djvu/148

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128 DUNHEVED. Witnesses: Richard Cobethorn, Mayor, Henry Colyn, John Colyn, and John Cory. Dated at the borough, Henry VI. 1446. Know all men that I, Richard Wedurdon, the cousin and heir of John Wedurdon, have seen a writing indented, which the aforesaid John Wedurdon made to John Mayowe, of Smalhill, in these words: Know, present and future, that I, John Wedurdon, have given, &c, to John Mayowe, of Smalhill, all those my two tenements, with two gardens belonging to the same tenements, in the borough of Dounheved, south and west of a tenement of Henry Bodi, together with a close called West Drocomb, with their appurtenances, to hold, &c, [still citing from the inspected deed] ; Witnesses : John Palmer, Mayor, Roger Menwenyk, and Robert Horn, Provosts, Robert Facy, and Richard Garnon. Given at the feast of St. Bartholomew the Apostle, 10 Henry VI. (1432.) The said Richard Wedurdon then confirms the tenure and posses- sion of the said John Mayowe in the tenements and gardens afore- said, and also grants to him all his (the grantor's) right in a certain un- occupied garden there, called Brodhaye, for ever. Witneses : William Myleton, John Trecarle, and John Palmer. Given on Thursday next before the feast of St. Luke the Evangelist, 24 Henry VI. A draft account, on paper, is intituled, Concerning the receipts of Rents, with arrears and casualties, in the 24th year of the reign of King Henry VI. (1446.) Among the arrears and casual- ties are i6d., for the Guildhall and Pillory ; several sums for the Hillond; 3s. 2d. from John Dawe, "bocher," for his entrance; 6s. 8d. from John Yurll for Scardon; 8s. 4d. from Robert Horn, for a high cross bought ; 18s. from the Prior and Convent, for the priest. Then follow receipts at various times, from divers persons, in respect of Hillond. Total, £12 8s. 6d. The receipts for the Guildhall and Pillory amount to jQZ 3s. 8d. ; for Bodmam and Gibbe, ^14 9s. 2d. Payments for rent, chiefly as in the account ante, 10th and nth Henry VI., one item however being rent paid to John Parkman for a tenement in Castelstrete, anciently called "le Dryhows," of which Solbear has made a new house, 4d. ; and another for "Fee farm of the town, with the rent of the mill in the park, paid to John Tredydan and Thos. Hobbe, Provosts of the town this year, 50s." Among the miscellaneous expenditure are wages to Henry Poghelep for covering the Guild- hall; for 100 of 'latthis' for the Guildhall; laythnaill for ditto;