Page:The histories of Launceston and Dunheved, in the county of Cornwall.djvu/159

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ACCOUNTS. 139 entries under this head are, wine given to Hugh Courtenay, Knight, 8d. ; one potell given to William Menwyn ck ; one lagen given to the Bishop's Chancellor; for wine when the Mayor was at the quarry, with his companions and the Prior; one flagon of white and red wine given to the Justices in Lent ; wine to the under- sheriff by the Mayor ; wine to one man for overlooking the way when the Justices came to the town to inspect ; to John Bekett when he carried the bill of the mowster [muster] ; expended in wine when the Mayor and his companions showed the arms in the Guildhall; ditto when the Justices went to the town to hear and determine; also for one "cake," and one quart of red wine at the same time ; one quart of wine given to a stranger from Ply- mouth, when he brought rumors [news] ; wine to the Mayor and his fellows when they made proclamation, by letter, of the lord Ryse ; one potell of wine to the same on " Whitemonndaye ; " ditto when they made the contract between themselves and Philip Hoygge ; wine when the Mayor was at the measuring of the new house ; wine given to Ayssheton, Clemens, and others when they came here, at the feast of St. Peter-in-bonds, as guards at the assizes; wine and bre^d to Ayssheton when he rode on horse- back. For the same year (1460) is an account on paper. This appears to be a draft of the account on parchment, from which we have just given lengthened translations, but it differs in a few par- ticulars. One of the variations is, that it credits an arrear of 3d. received from John How, for a tenement lately of John Colyn, in Blyndehole ; others are, arrears for a garden in Casteldyche, and for a tenement of Nicholas Ayssheton. Further entries occur, in Latin blended with English, for "hote lyme," for "helyngstone," for "helyng zand," &c. There was an apparent omission from the wine account of expenses of the Mayor and others at " Leskyrd for le mousteryng," 2s. 2d. This entry immediately precedes the payment for carrying the bill of the muster. Richard Blygh for "frethyng" of Comynmede, id. ; paid to Cotsale " for redyng the lake, and kyttyng " and cleansing the well ; for one " irepanne " for the church ; for Trelauny hay-hous, 4d. ; for one box, and wax for sealing the indenture between Philip Hoigge and the Mayor, 2d. ; for 2 lbs. of wykeyarn, 2d. ; expenses incurred by the men in taking the bells from the bell-tower to the ground ; for hanging