Page:The histories of Launceston and Dunheved, in the county of Cornwall.djvu/162

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142 DUNHEVED. liament at Lostwithiell, 6d. Usual payments : For Walter Moyle and Thomas Younge, the Justices of Assize j to Mathew White, a servant of Hugh Courtenaye, for riding on business for King Henry VI., 8d. ; for horse-hire same time, 4d. ; for money paid to John Mory, and others, for riding with Hugh Courtenaye, ^3; for money expended by the stewards for riding to the visitation at Seynt Cleder, 6d. ; paid to John Manning for riding to Exeter on matters of the town, i6d.; expenses of the Mayor and his com- panions attending for the keepers of the peace on Monday in the morrow of Pentecost ; reward to a servant of Henry Bodrugan who brought the proclamation of our King Edward to the Mayor and constable of the borough, i2d. ; bread, wine, &c, to Richard Chokke, justice of the Lord the King; reward to Peter Gottaker for riding to Exeter to confer with Hugh Courtenaye, by command of the whole Commonalty, openly given in the Guildhall, 2s.; to Thomas Burneby, for ditto, when he was one of the burgesses of parliament, in the time of Henry VI., 43s. 4d.; to William Men- wynnek, another of the burgesses in parliament, at the same time, 6s. 8d. ; to William Adam for the expenses of Edward Ayscheton, Recorder of the town, on the election of the Mayor, iod.; to Robert Walker, a servant of George Duke of Clarence, called " le berehurde," 2od. ; expenses of the Mayor and his companions, and of the whole Commonalty, in the house of Stephen Enabill, when they made an agreement within the borough, 2s. 3d.; to William Pethek, servant of John Fortescu, sheriff of Cornwall, 2od. ; to William Merchande, parish priest, to pray for the soul of Mr. John Cobthorn in this year, 4d. Expended in Wine. (Extracts.) To le bere hurde of the Earl Warwic, 6d., and for bread at the same time, £d.; to the Mayor and his fellows for le searchyng of the bell ; to the servant R. of the Earl Warwic, called Thomas le Stultis (fool); to Thomas Bere, one of the Justices of the Peace ; to Ben. Burnard, clerk of the Sheriff of Cornwall; to the Mayor and his fellows, when they watched over the Justices at the Assize in Lent ; to John Pascowe, the official of Cornwall ; a potell of wine called le Ossey given to the Sheriff of Cornwall and Thomas Wysa; ditto to John Colshull, Knight; to William Cary, Knight; to John Tremayell, and Christopher Cook, Proctors at Law; to John Penlyn, under- sheriff of Cornwall ; to Walter Courtenaye, Esquire, and others ; for food and drink to a servant of John Arundell, Knight, at the