Page:The histories of Launceston and Dunheved, in the county of Cornwall.djvu/167

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ACCOUNTS. 147 25s. 3d. ; Fish-stalls, 28s. ; the Sexton from the set-vices of the Blessed Mary, ditto, 5d. Among the " Casual receipts " are 8d. for a silver cross given to the Church and Chapel of the Blessed Mary by Joanna Tremar ; 6d. for a shop under the Pillory (collistrigio), at the time of the quadrangell j 4d. for pasturage and herbs from the garden lately of Slugge ; 20s. by the hands of Thomas Smyth for putting John Thomas and Joanna his wife into the Common Kalendar, so that their obits may be held among the general obits in the general obit which is yearly held by the Mayor and Commonalty; 8d. rent for Easthaye, from Thomas Burneby 4s. of John Manning, collector for the pasturage of Bytwenewayes. Total, 26s. iod. Receipts for wax, sworn, ^22 os. o^d. ; Colyn Rents, 25s. 2d. Entrances to the Guilds : John Coke worthy, son and heir of John Cokeworthy, entered for his bika on the Mayor's court day, for i6d., which he paid in full court; Edward Aysshetoun, son and heir of Nicholas Aysshetoun, entered for his bika, viz., for i6d., which he paid ; William Symons, one of the Lepers of St. Leonard, &c. [Here follow the entries printed at p. 43 ante.] William Coulecote entered into the Guild, and was sworn of the burgesses, for 6s. 8d., which he paid; John More, blacksmith, of Okehamp- toun, on the pledge of John Ysaac, was entered for 6s. 8d : Total from the burgesses, 36s. Sum of the receipts for the year, £6$ 7s. 8|d. ; and of the expenses, ^"49 10s. 5|d., leaving a balance of ^13 17s. 2jd., of which balance ,£13 6s. 8d. were assigned for certain debtors, for whom the Mayor and Commonalty undertook, beforehand, to pay Sir Hugh Courtenaye, Knt, for lands and tenements lately of Alice Cade, which the said Hugh acquired for the use and accommodation of the chapel of the Blessed Mary Magdalene, as may from time to time be needed : And thus the stewards had in their hands, clear, 10s. 6|d., and they afterwards received 3s. 4d. for the rent of the mill, which they paid to the sexton of the Conventual Church of the Prior of Launceston, the same being a debt for the tithes of the mill afore- said in this year ; and then the stewards paid to John Page, at that time Mayor, and to his successor, Thomas Cork, Mayor, the 1 os. 6^d. Another parchment, much defaced and torn, contains entries of payments made in the same year, 6 Edward IV. We extract the l 2