Page:The histories of Launceston and Dunheved, in the county of Cornwall.djvu/172

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152 DUNHEVED. Wages to a "helyer" for nine days at the house of Trelauny, 3s. 9d.; ditto one day for the priests' chamber, 5d. ; for two " tvvysts " and " shedelys," for the park of the priests' garden ; for doing suit of Court at Lawhitton, 6d. ; for customary entrance of the fact, id.; for doing suit of Court at the Borough of Dounheved, 4d. [An ink line is drawn through these three last entries.] The same paper is indorsed with receipts of rent from ten persons whose tenements are not specified. Then follow tenements of William Dawe, viz., Nyderwode, le Downe, and le Wode. His rent for the year is 22s. 2d. William Maynard's rent of 6d. is for a garden near the Castle Gate. A mutilated roll of the year 1469, or 1470. Many of its parts are quite illegible, but it appears that the Mayor was John Page, and the Provosts who received the fee farm rent for the year were William Rous and John Parke. Among the Expenditure for Wine is 13d. to the Mayor and his companions at Lyfton concerning some affair at Lydeforde, and of 4d. to a servant of Lord StafTorde. Among the Extra Expenses there is entered a payment to John Page for riding to London at the parliament. [This would appa- rently be a different journey from that recorded in a previous account.] In the Costs for Repairs are : For cleaning of le hors- pole ; for cleaning the west well, and the " guter " there ; for helyng stone brought from Trevalga ; spryngwarde for le clokk ; iron for the windows in the Chapel of the Blessed ; for two hurthestones bought for i4d. ; and timber for the shops of le bochers. 1470. Deed. John Carwy then, the cousin and heir of William Mayow, deceased, to John Stevyn, Thomas Cork, John Page, Thomas Wyndesore, Peter Pyke, Henry Basely, Thomas Dassell, Benedict Hygow, Simon Tredydan, Stephen Hopkyn, and Peter Gotaker. Release of claims in all that tenement, with the garden adjoining, situate in the borough of Dounheved, between the land and toft of John Page and Stephen Rysedoun, on the west, and the tenement of John Body on the east, and the royal highway on the north, and Le Castelwall on the south : To hold to said Page and others their heirs and assigns for ever. Witnesses : Oliver [obliterated] Trecarell, John 'Body, Philip