Page:The histories of Launceston and Dunheved, in the county of Cornwall.djvu/180

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160 DUNHEVED. 1479-80. Extracts from the account of expenses of John Mannyng and William Jaan, stewards of Dounheved Burgh, from the feast of St. Katherine the Virgin 18th Edw. IV. to the same feast 19 Edw. IV. Church Costs — 122 lbs. of wax, 60s. id.; 100 lbs. of "rasyn," 4s. 2d.; 16 lbs. of wekeyerne, 2s. 3d.; for making 5 " torchys," 2s. 5d. ; for morde, 2d. ; for making of a sepulchre, 2d. ; for fellyng of the fant ij tymes ; for repairing one book called a Legger, 8d. ; for repairing "le selar" outside the altar with 3 walsshebords, 7 Jd. ; for repairing "le vestre," 4d. ; paid the Dean of the manor of Trygge for shutting the door of the Church, at the time of the Bishop's visitation, id. ; wekeyerne for measuring the Church, 4d. ; paid the Dean for shutting the door of the Church, at the time of the Archbishop's visitation, id.; for parchment for "le organis," id. ; for cord bought for "le day masse belle," 3d.; for mending the organs, iod. ; for 2 sacrynbells; for half a sheep's bladder for le organ, id. Total, £6 4s. id. Celebration of Obits [nearly as in former years, including a payment to pray for the soul of Mr. John Cobthorn]. Total, 31s. Priests 1 Pensions, as before. Total, ^21. Officers' Pensions, as before. Total, ioos. 6d. Extrinsic Expenses. Reward to a jester for playing before the Mayor and his companions, 8d. ; charity to a wanderer, 2d. ; reward to a Justice of the Lord the King for his good advice to us, viz., against Cork, 3s. 4d. ; reward to Huddefyld against Cork, 6s. 8d. ; to Thos. Tremayll, ditto, 6s. 8d. ; expenses of the Mayor with his fellows on inspecting the muniments and evidence against Cork, in William Jaan's house, i9d. ; for the entertainment of a man riding to Exeter for our benefit, i6d.; to John Mannyng for riding to Exeter, 1 2d. ; for confirming the indulgence of the foregift of Poulstonbrygge, 3s. 4d. ; fee to John Glasyer to obtain his Charter from William Wytt of land in Clatternwallys, 3s. 4d. ; for shoeing of one horse, and for hire of the same to Exeter, 6d. Among the Resolute Rents are — Paid William Jaan, collector of St. John, of Temple, i2d. ; paid the Prior of Launceston for the park near Carforde, 3*d.; reward to William Marchunt, clerk, for assisting at the mass of the blessed Mary, 10s. Wine. To the Sheriff of Cornwall; to John Symes, the superior of the lord Bishop ; wine and bread at the coming of the lord Bishop, and at his departure, and in the time of his visitation, being in the chapel of the Blessed Mary Magdalene, 17s. iod. ;