Page:The histories of Launceston and Dunheved, in the county of Cornwall.djvu/186

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166 DUNHEVED. within the burgh, on pain of 4& for each offence, and to be dis- trained by the clothes there washed. 15. No person was to winnow any corn within the gates of the burgh, neither in the High Street nor Market Place, on pain of 4d. 16. No man shall sue a writ, warrant of peace, nor citation, within the burgh against alderman, burgess, commoner, or stranger, without license of the mayor, on pain of 20s., and his body to prison. 17. No tenant to the town should underlet to any person, except a dweller within the town, without license of the mayor and aldermen, on pain of forfeiture. And it was enacted, by the advice of Mr. Recorder and the assent of the town, that the mayor for the time being should convene his fellows of the bench in ordering and observing the old good customs to be kept, and, where doubtful matters arose, it was ordained that the mayor and bench should call to them twelve men, of the ripest of the town, to agree in their verdict thereon : Also that from thenceforth every person holding lands of the town should pay to the mayor, or his rent-gatherers, their rent and duties quarterly, if payable quarterly, and the mayor and rent-gatherers were to enforce such quarterly payment, or to forfeit 1 os. for each default. th February, 1504. Confirmation by the King of the portions of Earl Richard's Charter, which had been omitted, possibly from inadvertence, in the Charter of 2 Henry VII. Account of Thomas Row and Thomas Bannock, stewards of Dunheved Burgh, dating from Monday next after the feast of St. Katherine the Virgin, 19 Henry VII. (1504), John Wolgarn being Mayor, and William Lenn and Henry Deuystow, Provosts. The usual sources of income are recorded, with the names of the collectors, and the total sums received. Among those for Mare Lyon are, " 6s. 8d., the price of divers goods, entered in the steward's quarto [quaterno]; 2 s. 8d. for oil ; iod. for certain goods of John a Gaunt; i2d. for one "chandeler;" and 6d. for two virgates of woolen cloth. Then follow allowances for certain " tofts." In Page's Rents are, 3s., the price of one dish 7s. 4d., for certain goods and chattels ; and allowances are made for repairs to one close near "Wyndemill yat," and 3d. for one