Page:The histories of Launceston and Dunheved, in the county of Cornwall.djvu/203

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said Town of launceston, of the oon ptie, Witnessith that the said Henry Trecarell [and the 8 others], by ther own assent, and consent of all the 24 Aldermen and Comyners of the same Town of lanceston, have demysed, graunted, and to ferme letten to John Kena and Elizabeth his wyff all that ther tenement, &c, in IVylliseivorthe, in the pische of Tarriton, in which the said John nowe dwellith : To hold the said tenement to the said John Kena for terme of his lyf, and to the said Eliz : his wyff duryng her wydowehod, yf sche over leve the said John her husband : Yeldyng and paying therfor, yerly, duryng the said terme 20s. sterlyng, to be paid att 4 pry ncy pall termes, &c, by evyn portions ; and also to pay the best beast at the decesse or deptyng away of euyther of the said John and Elizabeth, in the name of a heriott or a ferleve : Provided always that yf the said Eliz : happen to die levyng the said John her husband, that then no heriott nor ferleve to be paid by the deth of the said Elizabeth. — Then follow covenants by the said John and Eliz th duryng the said terme to repeir, susteyn, and meynteyn all the houses and hedges in and upon the premises ; And att the end of the said terme so to leve the same. Furder it is agred betwyn the said pties that the said John and Eliz:, nor neither of them, shall fell nor cutt oke, elme, nor aysche without lycence of us, the said Henre, William, &c. Power of re-entry yf the said rent of 20s. sterling be behynd for oon month : Furder we, the said Henry [&c], and our successors, shall duryng the said terme warunt, discharge, and save harmlys the said John and Elizabeth of and for the said premises, as well agens the chieff lord or lords for the chief rents, as agenst all other persons by thes presents. The nine seals have been removed. 15th November 34 Hen. VIII. (1543). Royal Charter confirming all previous Charters to "Our vill of Doun- hevedburgh, in the County of Cornwall." Same date. General pardon to the same vill. 1543-4. A parchment roll, 8ft 5ms. in length, and nearly 1 1 ins. wide, in tolerably good condition, contains, in Latin, the account of Downeheved Burgh for the year from Michaelmas 34 Hen. VIII. to Michaelmas 35 Hen. VIII. Christopher Gewen, Mayor ; Mark Olyver and Stephen Denet, Portreeves. An arrear of jQ6 2s. 3^d. is credited as received from Henry