Page:The histories of Launceston and Dunheved, in the county of Cornwall.djvu/208

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1 88 DUNHEVED. carrying "mortar" with a horse 2 days, 8d.; for stones for le angels [angles] and crests [crease] in the Church, 6d. Among the unpaid rents are for 1 tenement in Asmondtone, 2s. ; for a tenement in Bowghthay, 6d. ; for a tin store-house called Redmor, 20&; and for tenements which Agnes Lauerans and Agnes Whyte occupy, now in the hand of the King, 3d. Total of the allowances for payments and expenses, ^96 o 15^. And so they owe in the clear 25s. iod., and afterwards the Mayor is exonerated upon his account of 20s. received from three burgesses, lepers, of Gilmarten." 2 1st October, 1 Edward VI. (1547). The previous Char- ters were, on Inspeximus, confirmed to " the burgesses of the Town of Launceston." The young King is, in this Charter, styled Supreme Head on Earth of the Church of England and Ireland. The parchment is ornamented by a full-length portrait of His Majesty, seated with the Sceptre in his right hand, and a reversed sword in the left. Over his head are the words, " Vivat Rex," and, above the initial word " Edwardus," on a circular shield, is the motto, " Hony soyt quy mal y pense." Edward VI. was, at this time, only ten years old. His maternal uncle, the Duke of Somerset, was lord Protector of the Realm. It appears that, soon after the date of Edward's Charter, quarrels arose among the inhabitants of Dunheved con- cerning the election of their Mayor, and other local matters. The inhabitants applied to the Lord Protector on the subject, and, on the 30th November, 1549, ^ e an< 3 his Council issued a Commission to Sir Richard Graynfield, Sir Hugh Trevanyon, Sir William Godolphin the younger, knight, and William Dynham, Esq., to appease the discord. Among some papers collected by Mr. Arundell Jago, already named, we find the following copy of an award. We have not seen the original. The final Order & Awarde made by us, Sir Richard Graynfield, Sir Hugh Trevanyon, Sir Wm. Godolphin the Younger, Knight,