Page:The histories of Launceston and Dunheved, in the county of Cornwall.djvu/221

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ANCIENT OATHS. 199 ancient ©atljs of tfje JSorougl) ©(Beers, Mayor's Oath. You shall swear, that you will well and truly serve our Sovereign Lady, the Queen, and Her Liege people, in the Office of Justice, and as Mayor of this Town and Borough of Dunheved otherwise Launceston, for and during the space of one whole year now next ensuing, and until another shall be duly elected and sworn ; And you shall minister equal justice, as well to the pooV as to the rich, to the best of your cunning, wit, and power ; And you shall diligently procure such things to be done as may honestly and justly be to the profit, and commodity of the Corporation of this Town ; and also endeavour yourself, to the utmost of your power, to see all heresies, treasons, felonies, and all other trespasses, misdemeanors, and offences whatsover committed within this Town, and Boro', during the time of your office, to be repressed, reformed, and amended, and the offenders duly punished according to the Law : And finally you shall uphold and maintain the commonwealth within this Town, prescribed Customs, Rights, Liberties, Jurisdictions, Franchises, Compositions, and all lawful Ordinances of the Town and Borough ; and, as concerning all other things appertaining to your office, you shall therein faithfully, and uprightly behave yourself for the utmost quietness, benefit, worship, honesty and credit of this Town, and the Inhabitants thereof: So help you God. Alderma7i's Oath. This was substantially the same as the oath of the Mayor, with the variation that the Alderman was to observe and keep all such good orders, rules, bye-laws, and constitutions as should be made by the Common Council of the Town for the good government thereof, and should not disclose any counsel, secret thing, or matter touching the Fellowship or Corporation of the Town, whereby any prejudice, loss, or slander might arise to the Corporation. Recorder's Oath. This was an oath to serve the Queen, and the Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of.the Town, in the office of Recorder; And to be faithful and just, and give good advice and counsel touching any matter that should concern the franchises, liberties, and good orders of the Town j and not disclose any of the secrets of the Corporation to their prejudice. Common Councillor's Oath. That he would be true liege man,