Page:The histories of Launceston and Dunheved, in the county of Cornwall.djvu/239

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TAVERNS. 217 South Stile, Southwell Street, Speechhouse, Steeple, Stures- combe. Tamar River, Town Mill, Town Walls, Trebursy Quarry, Tremayl Ford, Tremayl Quarry, Tresmar- row, Triangle Chamber, Triangle Lane. Underdoun Park. Vestry. Watermill, Wester French Castle Street, Westgate, Westgate Street, West Street, West Well, White Lane, White Rock Moor, Willesworthy (in North Tamerton), Winding Close (in Charkaford), Windmill, Windmill Cross Lane, Windmill Head, Wishworthy, Wynna Tenement. In 1580 William Toker is presented at the Law Court, " for that he doeth keipe his sonne Andrewe idellie, and is a comon strubber of hedges ; " and " Anthony Knebone, for that he made an assault upon John Wadham, and did drawe bloode contra pace." 1 6th October, 1581. Mr. John Wise is presented that " he doeth not come to Churche ; " John Croust, " for that he keipeth tennys-court, and suffereth unlawfull playe to be used there." It is found that the water of Tamer will " spoile the waie, if it be not amended," and that " Polston bridg is in decaye." On the 28th November, forty-two persons are authorized to keep taverns. From the entry "C s " over each name of the innkeeper, and " L s " over the names of two persons as sureties for each innkeeper, we assume that the innholder was bound in ^5, and the sureties in 50s., for the proper conduct of the tavern business. On the same 28th November, a jury of six persons was sworn to try whether eleven bullocks' hides were tanned in accordance with the statute. The hides were found defective. We have discovered, elsewhere, the form of the leather-stampers' oath administered in this year. It runs thus : " You shall well and truly searche all such lether as shal be brought before you to be sealed, whether the same be sufficientlie tanned or not : And you shall not seale any lether that you knowe or think to be unsufficientlie tanned : So help you God."