Page:The histories of Launceston and Dunheved, in the county of Cornwall.djvu/241

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PRESENTMENTS. 219 In a Court-book for 1587 are given, in alphabetical order, first the names of the 78 "free tenants" of the borough, and secondly of the 101 "burgesses," and thirdly of the 76 "residents." There are presentments, in this year, that James Ball, and two others, " use to keipe table playing, and card playing, yn their houses, where divrs artificers repaire to playe warkyn dayes ;" that Pynkewill, by Walter Greyne's howse, is greatly in decaye, as also is the " east syde of the North gate." John Pounde is presented for washing of shepe skynnes in the ryver above the towne, the which is hurtfull to all the dwellers the r by, for that they ar dryven to fetch theire potte water there. On the 8th February, 1587, Mary Stuart, the unhappy Queen of Scots, mother of James, afterwards King of England, was beheaded; and in July and August, 1588, the " Invincible " Spanish Armada was destroyed by Elizabeth's Navy. Among the presentments for Dunheved in the year 1589 are the following : Thomas Alexander, the apottegary, for openinge of his shope, not being a free man ; Hodge's wiff, the beedman, for a comon scold, & especially for abbussing of Thomas Hewett's wiffe ; Mr. Thos. Carpenter and Mr. Doctor Willes, for stoppynge of ancient walks apone the towne walls ; Thomas Batten for forestalling the markett the 12 July, in buying of maserdes [cherries] of a foryner in the market, by the great, and selling 'hem for his gayne, whereas the first seller would have sold them better cheape; Thomas Skelton's wieff, for a verye notable scold ; and Thomas Hamme's daughter for fighting with the said Skelton's wieff. 4th May, 1590. Record, in Latin, of a session, taken at the Guildhall, of all the lands, tenements, rents, and services, belonging and accruing to the Mayor and Com- monalty in this, the 12th year next after the last similar session of the same lands held within the borough. The