Page:The histories of Launceston and Dunheved, in the county of Cornwall.djvu/26

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IO LAUNCESTON. paying for the same. Moreover the Earl granted to the Canons and their successors the rent of twenty shillings annually, which they had theretofore paid him for the moorland of Carnedon ; and he discharged them for ever from doing suit at " Clymeslaunde and Carnedon." In the pontificate of Nicholas IV. a taxation was made of all the first fruits and tenths in (among other dioceses) the diocese of Exeter. The Survey for this taxation was begun in the year 1288, and ended in 1291, and the follow- ing entries occur in the Record : Deanery of Estwelshire, otherwise East. The Prior of Lanceueston receives of the Vicar of Lankynhom Taxation. 6 8 Tithes. Deanery of Trigge Majo R. The Chapel of the Castle . I 6 8 2 8 Chapel of St. Thomas . I 10


Chapel of Tresmour . I 6 8 2 8 Chapel of Lanerst . 2

Chapel of Werrington, with the Chapel of St. Giles . I


Chapel of St. Julitta . I 6 8 2 8 Chapel of Egloskery . 2


Chapel of Boyton . I 10


Chapel of Tamerton . 2 6 8 4 8 Church of Stratton . 7 13 4 15 4 Church of Pogwille . 2 13 4 5 4 The Prior of St. Germans receives for sheaf tithes of the Chapel of the Castle , . 13 4

1 4 Appropriate of the lord of Launceton. Temporalities — Archdeaconry of Cornwall. The Prior of Launceston hath the Manor of Lanceuelond taxed £ s. 2d.; At Braderigg, £1 us. 6d. ; At Byestewe and Crabba, jQi iZs. 6d. ; At Treworghi, £2 ; At Treburet, of rent, jQ 1 ; At Climeslond and Carnedon, £2 os. 6d. At Bokebuern, jQ$ gs. Sd. ; At Tottesdoun, £2 Ss. Sd, and of La Berne, near Exeter, 5^. ^d. Total, ^26 8s. ^d. Tithes, £2 12s. i-od.