Page:The histories of Launceston and Dunheved, in the county of Cornwall.djvu/341

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ITS ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES. 307 give a better idea than can be conveyed by words of the general appearance of the exterior. We give, however, a few details. The south porch projects 11 feet, and forms the principal entrance. In its centre overhead is a canopied niche intended for an image of the dedicatory saint. Beneath the niche is sculptured a shield, resting on a scroll held by two angels. On the shield appear the Trecarell arms, and on the scroll AN. DOM. MCCCCCXI. Left of the niche, among other devices, is a representation of St. George and the Dragon. The knight is mounted, and from his prancing charger aims his spear at the monster, whose head, with forked protruding tongue, is turned towards his antagonist. Above these figures is an illustra- tion of the Good Samaritan. On the right of the niche St. Martin of Tours is depicted on horseback in the act of severing with his sword the cloak, one half of which he intends to give to a beggar, who limps after him with a crutch in one hand, the other hand being extended to receive the gift. Above St. Martin is Balaam in the act of striking his ass. The eastern end of the chapel is formed by three gables. In the centre gable, serving as a finial to the window of the nave, are the Royal Arms, the supporters of which are the lion and the red dragon (the unicorn was substituted for the dragon by James I. in 1603). Under the sill of this window, in an arched niche sunk in the thickness of the wall, is a graceful recumbent Magdalene, resting her head on an open volume. In the background of the niche is a shield displaying a chevron and three bells. Four sur- pliced minstrels are on each side of the niche, and above the line of the niche similar figures ascend in pairs. The instruments which these musicians hold are the rebec, the lute, the bagpipe, shawms or clarions, and harps, and one resembling a hand-organ. The leader of each set of min- strels carries a baton, and wears a heavy chain around his x 2