Page:The histories of Launceston and Dunheved, in the county of Cornwall.djvu/37

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THE PRIORY. 21 Entries succeed of the same general purport relating to eighty-nine other customary tenures of the manor. Many of the tenements are referred to as having been then lately held of Prior William. We venture to assume that this Prior William was William Shyre. One entry differs from others. It reads thus : " Carnaythen Parke." Richard Wilshman, Canon and Butler of Launceston Priory, takes of the lord a close which lately belonged to Robert Alyn : at the will of the lord, &c. Rendering therefore yearly 17s. at the aforesaid feasts." This portion of the Rental occupies no less than twenty- eight quarto pages of abbreviated Latin manuscript. The next division is intituled : " Sessions of the Manors of Boyton, Braderych, and Bradeford, and of all the mes- suages, &c, within those manors belonging to Robert Waryn, Prior of the Priory House and Church of St. Stephen." As in the preceding cases we will give an abstract of the first entry : John Reche takes his tenure to him, his wife, their heirs and executors, for a term of 20 years, yielding therefor the yearly rent 43s. 4d., payable at the aforesaid feasts, and doing suit at the Court and Mill of the aforesaid Manor, carrying also yearly a waggon-load of fuel from Braderyche Wood to the Priory House at Launceston, or in default paying 2od. per load. And if the tenant, or his wife, should quit or die, then paying an amercement in the name of a heriot or farlief. The tenements of Hanche, alias Blakehall, and Dorset, with lands in Tamerton, Bradeforde, Hoggeslade, Byeste- way, Tottysdon, Stratton, Treworgy,. and Buklowren are next mentioned. Then follows Clymeslonde Pryor. Under this heading are named Carsbroke, Tregoo, Nithertrelabe, Overtrelabe, Wydeslade, Benetts, Reynsta, Sturte, Attewode, and Ogge- meer, the several tenants whereof were, besides paying