Page:The histories of Launceston and Dunheved, in the county of Cornwall.djvu/386

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35o THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. — for locks to the school doors, for parchment to make a table in " the schole," and for nails for the benches. These attentions to the building, shortly after the receipt of Mr. Aylworthe's letter, show that fresh energy had been brought to the subject of education here. In 1575 "Oliver Collins prayeth to be allowed for Phil- potts dynner, w th his ij servantes, Mr. Fletcher his servant, iiij of the masters, Mr. Parr, Mr. Scholemaster, the comen steward, and on of the sargents ; being xiij persons in nomber vj 9 . Itm. for a pottell of wyne for them then xiiij d . Itm. for halfe a pound of sugar ix d ." The school was from this time an unquestionable insti- tution of the town. Even in 165 1, during the Common- wealth, the Corporation provided an hour-glass for it, and we refer to page 319 for observations respecting Mr. Hull, a supposed master at that period. By will dated 9th October, 1685, George Baron, a mer- chant of London, augmented the funds and the influence of the Launceston School. He gave £10 yearly for ever to be paid " to the master of the Free School of Launces- ton, upon condition to teach and instruct in learning ten poor children of the town and parish of Egloskerry, or of the neighbourhood," the testator's relations to have a preference. The children were to be nominated by his executors, and afterwards by the persons successively to whom his settled estate should come. The £10 per annum were first charged on the testator's freehold messuages in Great Wood Street, London ; but these messuages were afterwards relieved of the charge, and by deed dated 8th June, 1745, the burthen was transferred to an estate then known as Paris Garden, in the county of Surrey. Paris Garden belonged to the late J. C. Baron Lethbridge, Esq., of Tregeare, now deceased, who claimed the right to nominate 10 boys for education at the school, free of charge. " Baron's Charity " is vested in the charity trustees.