Page:The histories of Launceston and Dunheved, in the county of Cornwall.djvu/397

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THE FONT. 359 tribution of eleven shillings by the guild was only the widow's mite in the treasury ; but it leads us to ask the question, Whence came the enormous sums of money which were expended, within a hundred years of this period, in erecting the elegant and enduring parish churches and towers which still surround us ? Some of our local readers will remember that, on restoring the church at St. Thomas in 1871-72, a painting of, among other objects, the Roman Catholic legend of St. Roche was discovered on the plaster under the limewash FONT IN ST. THOMAS CHURCH. at the eastern end of the building. The saint was in pilgrim's habit, an angel bringing ointment for his wounds, and a dog carrying bread for his hunger. In the year 1522-3 the wardens of Ashburton, in Devon, paid 8s. 9d. for a picture of St. Roche in their church. The same artist may have executed both works. The font in St. Thomas Church is remarkably beautiful. It has its counterparts in design both at Lawhitton and Altarnun, and is undoubtedly older than the present church. We give a sketch of it.