Page:The histories of Launceston and Dunheved, in the county of Cornwall.djvu/447

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RECORDERS. 407 We subjoin a copy of the letter of resignation from the last of the Recorders to the Worshipful the Mayor of Launceston : u Dated Alnwick Castle, "29//* Dec, 1835. "Sir,— By a clause in the Act of Parliament for altering the Municipal Corporations, it is directed that the King should appoint a Recorder under the regulations of the Act. " I am unwilling personally to subject myself to this super- cession. I therefore resign to you, sir, and the ancient Corporation of Launceston (from whom I received the appointment), the honourable office of Recorder. " From the number of years which my grandfather and father held this office, and the eighteen years which I have held it, I have ever been stimulated to exert my best endeavours for the prosperity and welfare of the ancient borough of Launceston. " These feelings, sir, will ever continue ; and although it is not without apprehension that I contemplate the theoretical changes which have been exacted, yet I trust that the good sense of the inhabitants of Launceston will ensure to their ancient borough the best corporate body that can be selected under existing circumstances. I have the honour to be, with great regard, sir, 11 Your obedient servant, " Northumberland."