Page:The history and achievements of the Fort Sheridan officers' training camps.djvu/140

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First Battalion, 9th Infantry, Second Division. Died on November 5, 1918, at

Fleury-sur-Aire, from w^ounds received in action on November 3d,

at Nouart, France.



��Major Platner was born in Ellsworth, Kans., on July 26, 1891. He was educated in the public schools of Ellis, Kans., where he graduated from high school and than entered the State Normal School, graduat- ing and taking up the profession of teach- ing, later working for the Union Pacific as a machinist, and then as a bank clerk for the American National Bank, Hutchinson, Kans. He was admitted to the Second Officers' Training Camp at Fort Sheridan and assigned to the First Company. Re- ceiving a commission as Captain, he was ordered overseas, sailing on December 23, 1917, as a casual. Arriving in France, he was given further instruction and then assigned to the railroad branch of the A. E. F. After four months as a classifier of engineer officers. Major Platner asked for a transfer to combat troops, and was assigned to the 9th Infantry, v^here he vs^as promoted and given command of the First Battalion. On November 3, I 9 I 8, he was so severely wounded at Nouart that he died two days later in the hospital at Fleury-sur-Aire. He w^as awarded the Dis- tinguished Service Cross, Croix de Guerre with silver star, and cited in orders. He was unmarried. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Platner, of Ellis, Kans., survive.



Battery D, 10th Field Artillery, Third Division. Died of wounds in Base Hospital No. I,

Paris, France, on October 17, 1918, received in Second

Battle of Marne, July 15, 1918.

��Lieutenant Pope v^ras born in Wauke- gan, III., on September 22, 1890. He was educated in Evanston, 111., schools, and graduated from Northwestern University in 1912. He then entered the employ of the Continental and Commercial Bank of Chicago, working in the bond department. He was admitted to the Second Officers' Training Camp at Fort Sheridan, 7th Bat- tery. Upon receiving his commission. Lieutenant Pope was ordered to France, sailing in December, 1917. Arriving

overseas he was assigned for further in- struction to the A. E. F. Artillery School at Samur. In June, 1918, he was as- signed to the 10th Field Artillery. His battery moved into position early in July. The commander w^as killed and Lieutenant Pope took charge. On July 1 5th he was hit by shell fragments. After two months in the hospital, he was stricken w^ith pneumonia, dying on October 1 8, 1918. He was unmarried. Lieutenant Pope is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Pope, Wadsworth, III.



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