Page:The history of Fulk Fitz-Warine - tr. Kemp-Welch - 1904.djvu/15

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Previous Translations.—The manuscript in the British Museum (MS. Reg. 12, c. xi) which contains the history now specially translated for the "King's Classics"? by Mrs. Kemp-Welch, has been several times published—in 1833 by Sir Thomas Duffus Hardy, in 1840 by Francisque Michel, in 1855 by Thomas Wright for the Warton Club, in 1858 by L. Moland and C. d'Héricault in their Nouvelles frangoises en prose du xivs., and in 1875 by Joseph Stevenson, at the end of Radulph de Coggeshall's Chronicon Anglicanum (Rolls Series). It has been translated into English by Thomas Wright and Joseph Stevenson, in their works above alluded to; it has been examined critically in the same works, as well as in the edition of Francisque Michel, and in the article by Paulin Paris in Histoire Littéraire de la France (vol. xxvii, pp. 164–186); it has been noticed and epito-
