Page:The history of Grand-Pre by Herbin, John Frederic.djvu/14

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vi CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAGE &ff Winslow at Grand-Pre Proclamation Issued First Embarkation Second Embarkation Final Em- barkation. (1755) 104 XI. The Acadians in Exile The Return. (1755-1766) .... 125 XII. The English Settlers at Minas 147 XIII. The Origin of "Evangeline" 154 XIV. Geology of Minas The Tides Minerals of Minas Geological Structure 162 ILLUSTRATIONS. The Author Frontispiece. Well and Willows 12 Evangeline (From the painting by Thos. Faed) 22 Cape Blomidon 32 Grand-Pre Village 66 Plan of Winslow's Camp 104 Gaspereau Landing Scene of Embarkation 154