Page:The history of Mendelssohn's oratorio 'Elijah'.djvu/94

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Mendelssohn arrived in London on August 17 or 18 (1846), and again stayed with Klingemann, at 4, Hobart Place, Eaton Square. A pianoforte rehear- sal of the vocal solos of "Elijah "was held on the 19th (Wednesday), at Moscheles's house, 3, Chester Place, Regent's Park. Mendelssohn commenced the rehear- sal by playingthe Overture from memory, to the delight and admiration of those who heard it. The lady vocalists gave the composer some trouble. The soprano requested him to transpose " Hear ye, Israel," a whole tone down, and to make certain changes to suit her particular style ! " It was not a lady's song," she said. Mendelssohn resisted with studied politeness, and said, " I intended this song for the principal soprano ; if you do not like it I will ask the Committee to give it to some other vocalist." Afterwards, when alone with Moscheles, he most unreservedly expressed himself as to the " coolness of such suggestions."

When " O rest in the Lord" was tried over, the singer was anxious to introduce a long shake (on D) at the close ! " No," said the composer, ** I have { 76 )

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