Page:The history of Tom Jones (1749 Volume 2).pdf/25

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The History of
Book IV.

One Day, when Mr. Allworthy and his whole Family, dined at Mr. Weſtern’s, Maſter Blifil, being in the Garden with little Sophia, and obſerving the extreme Fondneſs that ſhe ſhewed for here little Bird, deſired her to truſt it for a Moment in his Hands. Sophia preſently complied with the young Gentleman’s Requeſt, and after ſome previous Caution, delivered him her Bird; of which he was no ſooner in Poſeſſion, than he ſlipt the String from its Leg, and toſſed it into the Air.

The fooliſh Animal no ſooner perceived itſelf at Liberty, than forgetting all the Favours it had received from Sophia, it flew directly from her, and perched on a Bough at ſome Diſtance.

Sophia, ſeeing her Bird gone, ſcreamed out ſo loud, that Tom Jones, who was at a little Diſtance, immediately ran to her Aſſiſtance.

He was no ſooner informed of what had happened, than he curſed Blifil for a pitiful, malicious Raſcal, and then immediately ſtripping off his Coat, he applied himſelf toclimbing