Page:The history of Witchcraft and demonology.djvu/96

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There is far more truth in the records of the old theologians and witch finders than many nowadays are disposed to allow.


1Under Innocent III, 1215.

2Diabolus enim et alii demones a Deo quidem natura creati sunt boni, sed ipsi per se facti sunt mali.

3Bossuet says that the writings of Suarez contain the whole of Scholastic Philosophy.

4Since it contradicts a definite (certa) theological conclusion or truth clearly consequent upon two premises, of which one is an article of faith (de fide), the other naturally certain.

5Which explains much of the trifling and silliness in Spiritism; the idle answers given through the mediums of the influences at work.

6Josephus, Antiquities, XIX. 8. 2.

7Suetonius, Caligula, XXII. Here ample details of Caligula’s worship may be read.

8Epigrammatum, V. 8. 1. See also IX. 4, et sæpius.

9. . . id agens ne quis Romæ deus nisi Heliogabalus coleretur. . . . Nec Romanas tantum extinguere uoluit religiones, sed per orbem terræ unum studens ut Heliogabalus deus unus ubique coleretur. Ælius Lampridius, Antoninus Heliogabalus, 3; 6.

10Even the Christian (Arian) Constantius II suffered himself to be addressed as “Nostra Æternitas.”

11Now commemorated on 14 September, the Feast of the Exaltation of Holy Cross. Shortly after the Restoration of the Cross to Jerusalem, the wood was cut up (perhaps for greater safety) into small fragments which were distributed throughout the Christian world.

12Didymus, De Trinitate, III. xli.

13Epiphanius, Hær., xlviii. 11.

14Annales de la Propogation de la Foi, VII (1834), p. 84.

15D. C. J. Ibbetson, Outlines of Punjaub Ethnography, Calcutta. 1883. p. 123.

16. . . vous n’avez pas eu honte de vous agenouiller devant votre Belzebuth, que vous avez adoré. J. B. Cannaert, Olim procès des Sorcières en Belgique, Gand, 1847.

17Ie me remets de tout poinct en ton pouuoir & entre tes mains, ne recognois autre Dieu: si bien que tu es mon Dieu.

18On dit au Diable nous vous recognoissons pour nostre maistre, nostre Dieu, nostre Createur.

19John Hutchinson, History of the Province of Massachusett’s Bay, 1828, II. p. 31.

20Satan luy commãda de le prier soir & matin, auant qu’elle s’addonat à faire autre œuure.

21Wonderful Discoverie of Elizabeth Sawyer, London, 1621.

22Rev. F. G. Lee, More Glimpses of the World Unseen, 1878, p. 12.

23Potest [diabolus] eludere sensus et facere ut appareat caput abcisum, De Religione, l. 2, c. 16, n. 13, t. 13, p. 578.

24Huc. Voyage dans la Tartarie, le Thibet et la Chine, I, ix, p. 308. The author remarks: Ces cérémonies horribles se renouvellent assez souvent dans les grandes lamaseries de la Tartarie et du Thibet. Nous ne pensons nullement qu’on puisse mettre toujours sur le compte de la superchérie des faits de ce genre: car d’après tout ce que nous avons vu et entendu parmi les nations idolâtres, nous sommes persuadé que le démon y joue un grand rôle. (These horrible ceremonies frequently occur in the larger lamaseries of Tartary and Tibet. I am very certain that we cannot always ascribe happenings of this sort to mere juggling or trickery; for, after all that I have seen and heard among heathen people, I am confident that the powers of evil are very largely concerned therein.)