Page:The history of medieval Europe.djvu/299

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THE FEUDAL LAND SYSTEM 255 6. What is the annual income of the lord from the entire manor, reckoned in money equivalents? 7. What information does this document afford concerning the prices of certain things and the cost of living then? 8. Explain the existence of a single tenant for life. Question on the third selection: — 1. List the dues and restrictions to which William is still subjected after he has been emancipated. Life of the Feudal Nobility. Munro, A History of the Middle Ages, chap. xin. Munro and Sellery, Medieval Civilization, pp. 159-87. Seignobos, Feudal Regime, translated by Dow, pp. 1-2, 27-65. Luchaire, Social France, translated by Krehbiel, chap, vm, ix, or x. Bateson, Medieval England, chap. I, II, or vm. Robinson, Readings in European History, vol. 1, pp. 418-25. Immunity, Beneficium, Commendation, Fief, Homage and Fealty. Robinson, Readings in European History, vol. I, selections 72, 74 (first half), 75, 78, and 83 respectively. The same or similar documents will be found in the source books of Ogg and Thatcher and McNeal. Passages from the Feudal Register of the Counts of Champagne. Thatcher and McNeal, Source Book for Medieval History, pp. 374-82. German Feudalism; Ministerials of the Archbishop of Cologne. Thatcher and McNeal, op. cit., pp. 563-71.