Page:The history of silk, cotton, linen, wool, and other fibrous substances 2.djvu/502

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been above quoted from Gratius Faliscus. To the same effect are the following passages:

Nec est mirum, cum maximos ferarum greges linea pennis distincta conterreat, et ad insidias agat, ab ipso effectu dicta formido.—Seneca, de Ira, ii. 11.

Feras lineis et pinna conclusas contine: easdem a tergo eques telis incessat: tentabunt fugam per ipsa quæ fugerant, proculcabuntque formidinem—Seneca, de Clementia, i. 12.

Picta rubenti lineo pinna
Vano claudat terrore feras.

Seneca Frag. Hippol. i. 1.




Fishing-nets[1] were of six different kinds, which are enumerated by Oppian as follows:

[Greek: Tôn ta men amphiblêstra, ta de griphoi kaleontai,
Gangama t', êd' hypochai periêgees, êde sagênai,
Alla de kiklêskousi kalymmata.]—Hal. iii. 80-82.

Of these by far the most common were the [Greek: amphiblêstron], or casting-net, and the [Greek: sagênê], i. e. the drag or sean. Consequently these two are the only kinds mentioned by Virgil and Ovid in the following passages:

Atque alius latum funda jam verberat amnem,
Alta petens; pelagoque alius trahit humida lina.

Virg. Georg. i. 141, 142.

Hi jaculo pisces, illi capiuntur ab hamis;
  Hos cava contento retia fune trahunt.

Ovid, Art. Amat. i. 763, 464.

By Virgil the casting-net is called funda, which is the common term for a sling. In illustration of this it is to be observed, that the casting-net is thrown over the fisherman's shoulder, and then whirled in the air much like a sling. By this action he causes it to fly open at the bottom so as to form a circle,. Diod. Sic. xvii. 43. p. 193, Wessel.]

  1. [Greek: Alieutika diktya