Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 3.djvu/17

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CONTENTS. XI U Chapter I. — confiinierl. Their visible effect upon the Causcwiiy batteries, . . .196 Evans advancing, . . . . . . . . .196 Advance of the 47th, 197 Of the 30th, 197 Of the 55th, 197 The enemy does not further resist this advance with liis infantry, 198 Evans, joined by Sir Richard England in person, now lias with him thirty guns, 198 Sir Richard England's dispositions for bringing support to Evans 199 Evans's situation in the mean time, 200 XXIX. Protracted fight between the Royal Fusiliers and the left Kazan column 200 The 55th attacking the column in ilank, .... 208 Defeat of the column, 210 It is arranged that the defeated column is to be pressed by the Grenadier Guards, 212 XXX. state of the field in this part of the Russian position. Advance and discomfiture of the Scots Fusilier Guards, . The Grenadier Guards, ....... Their march up the slope, ...... Codringtou rallying some men of the Light Division, And proposing to place them in the vacated interval between two battalions of the Guards, ..... His proposal rejected by the Grenadier Guards, Continued advance of the Grenadiers, .... These joined afterwards by other soldiery aligning with tl on their left, ........ The Coldstr.;am Temper of English soldiery advancing after a check, Advance of the Highland Brigade The two battalions remaining with General P)u11it, Suggestion that the Guards should fall back, . 213 214 220 220 221 221 222 222 223 223 224 225 226 227