Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 3.djvu/93

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BATTLE OF THE ALMA. 67 advance of Lis 1st and 3d Divisions. Addressing chap. General Canrobert and Prince Napoleon, and giv- ' ing them the signal for the attack, he said, I am ordtrTihe told, these words : ' With men such as you I have crn'robeif ' no orders to give. I have but to point to the Na},oi""n* 'enemy!'* Hitherto these two French divi- sions had been nearly in the same alignment as the leading divisions of the English army ; but now that they were ordered forward, leav- ing the English army still halted, the true char- acter of the movement to be undertaken by the Allies was for the first time developed. Their The oni.r array was to be what tacticians call 'an order ot theAiiic-s ' battle in three echelons by the right, the first ' dchelon making a turning movement.' + Russian Army. Knglish Army. This disposition for the attack was not the result Lord Rat-- of any agreement made in words between Marshal Suon'of St Arnaud and Lord Raglan. It resulted almost i.eVaYto take. • I have this from an officer who assures me that lie heard the words. t * Un ordre de bataille h, trois Echelons par la droite, le pre- ' mier echelon attaquant par le flanc' These are the words in which a staff officer present in the action, and very high in the French service, has described to me the advance of the Allies. Bee the diagram, a much better guide than mere words.