Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 4.djvu/16

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Xll CONTENTS. Chaptkh YI. — continued. YII. Morning of the 27th. Sebastopol at the, mercy of the Allies, Solemnity enacted on the lines of defence, Enthusiasm e.xcited by Korniloff. . His harangues, ..... The effect they produced, 130 130 131 133 134 VIII. upon themselves to dismantle Todleben's opinion and plan, 136 Korniloff and Todleben takin<. the fleet, ....... And apply all its resources to the defence, The principle of Todleben's plan, . The two ways in which he might produce a result, By meeting an assault with mitrail, Or by inducing the Allies to delay their attack, In either aspect, the work to be done was the same, Nature of the work required, .... Small guns meanwhile placed in battery, These a snare to the Allies, .... Todleben's way of adjusting the labour to Ijotli jiroximate and more remote objects, . . . . . • .142 137 138 138 130 139 140 141 141 141 141 IX. All resources in men and things brought to bear upon the busi- ness of the defences, . . . . . . . .142 The exceeding alacrity with which the work was carried on, . 143 Todleben's habit of directing the works in person, . . . 145 X. Koniilolf's real impressions at this time, . 146 Xf. 28th Sept. Sebastopol still unattacked, and Communication at last from Prince Mentschikoff, 147 148