Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 4.djvu/161

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"WHEN ABANDONED BY THE AK.MV. 131 order, and forming a cliain along the line of the chap, ramparts, whilst other battalions were drawn up in ^^' columns of companies, and others again in columns of attack. Then the priests, with images,* gon- falons, and crosses, walked in procession along the lines, and performed divine service at each of the bastions, and the troops were sprinkled with holy water. ' Let the troops first be reminded of ' the Word of God,' said Korniloff, ' and then I ' will impart to them the word of the Czar' To pious, obedient Piussians, the way in which Enthusias-m lieaven had raised up a man to meet the occasion Kornuoti'; was of the nature of miracle. Without havinfr lawful authority, Korniloff had suddenly come to be the unquestioned ruler whom all rejoiced to obey — whom all, wherever he rode, were pursuing with blessings and cheers. By the seamen of the fleet, as we saw, Korniloff had long been known, had long been beloved and trusted ; but at this time there was glowing, in the hearts of the whole people, a sentiment of enthusiastic devotion to the elected chief. Xone caught this feeliuo- more warmly than that small body of land-service men which Prince Mentschikoff had left in the place. Abandoned by the Prince and his evading armv,

  • It is a Russian writer and a Russian traii.slator who give~;

me the word ' images ; ' but he must refer only to the flat, or hasso-relievo, representations of sacred beings which are used by the Greek Chuvch.— End of Kote to M. Edition. I am now- able to say, on the conclu.sive authority of Dean Stanley, that the Russian equivalent for ilni'v, which we translate 'image,' is exactly the one which a Russian would use when referring to any pictured lepresentation of a sacred V>Qwg.~ Noic to 3d Edition.