Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 4.djvu/19

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CONTENTS. XV Chapter YII. — continued. His reserve on the subject, 208 Probable clue, 209 4th Oct. General Airey's letter to Lord Hai-iliuge, . . .210 The gradual process by which the Allies laougbt themselves to their conclusion, . . . . . . , .211 The error ascribed by Todlclien to those of the Allies who ojiposcd the assault, . . . . . . . .213 The real purport of their determination, . . . . .214 Its conformity with the enemy's wishes, . . . .214 The third of the lost oci^asions, ...... 215 CHAPTEE YIII. The fleets, Extent of their power to aid attack of South Side, The Eussians now secun; on the North teide, . And on their whole sea front, Xo investment practicable, .... The lost opportunity of i.solating Sebastopol, . Other evils now resulting to the Allies from their ' flank marcli. The enemy now able to concentrate his efforts upon a small .space of ground, ........ 216 216 220 221 221 222 223 224 The predicament into which tJie Allies had brought themselves, 225 CHAPTEE IX. Disposition of the Allied armies, Its twofold 25urpos(', ..... Forces charged with siege duty, French, ....... English, Defensive aiTangements of the Allies, Duty attaching upon Bosquet's forces, . Double task undertaken by the English, . Works of circumvallation on the Sapoun^ Ridge, Mount Inkerman, ...... Sir John Burgoyne's vain representations. Distinct system of defence rerprired for Balaclava, 226 226 226 226 226 227 228 228 228 229 230 232