Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 4.djvu/22

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XVlll CONTENTS. Chapter XII. — continued. ^lorning of 10th Oct. The garrison pcrceiviiif^ that the French had broken grouiul, .... The joy this occasioned in Sehastopol, Todleben's idea of the conjuncture, His measures, ..... Effects of the respite granted to Sebastopol, A sortie, . . ■ . Petty ventures against the besiegers, Their good effect, ..... The respite needed, .... And granted, ...... Strengtli given in twenty days to the land defe Summary of what the defenders had gained in the inters Evening of the 16th Oct. — the garrison expectant, rva]. 284 285 286 287 288 290 290 291 292 292 292 292 294 CHAPTER XIII. I. Som'ces of the confidence felt by the All Their batteries, Those of the Russians, . Their great artillery resources, Distribution of their batteries, The time fixed for the opening of the lai The dawn of the 17th Oct., Opening of the fire, Cannonading in salvoes, . The cause of this, . The seamen, .... The tigliting maintained in the batteries, Admiral Korniloif, .... His movements, .... And returns to his ijuarters, . His letter and message to his wife, . Hi.s survey from the housetop. His despondency, .... The state of the conllict at this tiiiu ies , 295 296 297 298 298 nd cannonade, 300 300 300 301 301 301 , . . . 303 306 308 312 312 313 313 313