Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 4.djvu/24

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XX CONTENTS. Chaptkr Xlir. — cuntlnued. Particulars of the new plan of attack, Plan insisted upon by the French as an ultimatun Dilemma in which Dundas was placed, . Dundas's reluctant acceptance of the new plan, His declared reason for accepting it, Dundas's conference with his ships' captains, . The French plan unanimously condemned, English compliancy, ..... Nature of the service Dundas was now undertakin. The place he chose for the Britannia, The main division, ..... The in-shore .S(]^uadron, ..... Steamships ke}it under way, .... The three great outer sea-forts, Forts Constantine and Alexander, . Fort Constantine, ...... Fort Alexander, ...... The one definite purpose of the French plan, . The Quarantine Sea-fort, .... 10.30 A.M. Provoking coinciden(!e, The fleets advancing from the roads of the Katuha The steam-power of the Allies, Mode of applying it to the sailing ships, 1 P.M. Fire opened by the Russian forts, Calm silence on board the French fleet, . Its array, ....... Admiral Hamelin's signal to his fleet. The French fleet opening fire, Dundas's orders to three of his steamers, Guns opposed to the French Heet, . Engagement of French ships with the Quarantine Sea-fo With Fort Alexander, General result of the contliets undertaken by the Frenel The cause of its failure, ..... Works to be assailed by the iu-shorc English si|uad The Wasp, The Telegrajdi Battery, Fort Constantine, ...... The weak angle of the fort, .... t, fleet.