Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 4.djvu/299

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BY TUE ALLIED FLEET. 269 sucli as that which had come from the English cilAr. Headquarters. Diuidas at once yielded ; and the 1_ officer who had brought to the flag- ship Lord orfesTslfng Jiaglan's appeal, carried back the consent of the lau^sarl^^ii. Admiral. Dundas's short answer ran thus : — ^on^sent.^ ' P.iaTANNlA, OFF SEVASTOPOL, lilh October lSo4. ' Mx DEAR Lord Raglan,— Colonel Steele has just ' arrived with your lordship's letter of yesterday's date, ' and you may depend on my using every exertion with

  • my French colleagues to aid in your object.

'Sir E. Lyons I have recalled from his present post, ' where his services have been so valuable, and I have no ' doubt, in his magnificent screw-ship, he will be of the ' greatest use here. 'I will consult with Admiral Ilanu-lin as to our joint ' operations, and will thank your lordship to let me know ' the time when you intend to attack. • I do not wish to detain Colonel Steele, and therefore ' leave it to him to explain what has passed between us. ' Yours faitlifully, 'Jno. D. Dundas. In a conference held the next day on board the isth Oct. Naval iIoo-ador, the Allied Admirals resolved in the first conference: place that, to support the attack of Sebastopol by resolution: the Allied armies, all the ships of their squadrons should execute, at the same time, a general attack upon the sea-forts of the place, and the ships lying moored in its harbour.* But at what period of the conflict was this naval aid to be given ? The

  • First resolution contained in the paper headed, ' E^solu-

' lions prises par les Amiraux d(!S trois escadres Allices an siijet ' de I'attaque de Sevastopol.' This paper, dated the 15th of October, and signed by Dundas, llamelin, Ahmet Pasha, Bruat, Lyons, Cliarner, and Bouet AVilliaumcz, was received by Lord Eaglan on the ICth.