Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 4.djvu/310

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Oct. 280 THE GARRISON REINFORCED CHAP, manoeuvres were executed, and in a way which L_ seemed to prove that a powerful assault on the MalakofF could not be resisted with the force then itssucness. available for the purpose; Prince Mentschikoff yielded to this illustrative form of argument ; and a yet further reinforcement, amounting to some 3000 men, was at once detached from the army, and sent to take part with the garrison in defend- ing the Karabel faubourg.* strength of By the Gtli of October the sailors had with II16 GJirrisoii on the 9th them, to licl}) the defence, more than 25,000 men belonging to the army -|- — a force destined to be increased on the 9th by a further accession of 3000 ;l and the garrison, one may say, then com- prised more than 53,000 combatants. § This enumeration d(jes not include the 5000 dockyard and other labourers. Those men, how- ever, were Government servants, amenable to mili- tary discipline ; and the approaching conflict was

  • Viz., the Boutirsk regiment, four battalions, with a

strength, according to the muster-roll of the 24th September (Gth October), of 3-130 men. t luchuling the men of the 'train,' 25,70."). Ij: The 'Minsk' regiment, 0112 strong. § Army, .... 28,877 Gunners at the coast batteries, . 2,708 Stationed marines, . . . 2,666 Nine local coiiiiianics, about . 900 Seamen, . . . . 18,501 53,652 It should be remembered that, although here rightly included as part of the garrison, the gunners of the sea-forts had nothing to do with the land defences ; and, in general, one may treat them as neutralised by the gunners of the Allied fleets with whom they might have to combat.