Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 4.djvu/384

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35 i TIIK CANNONADE OF CHAP. xiir. The Teld- graph Battery. Fort Con- Btautiue : shore, at an elevation of 130 feet above the level of the sea, the work was so well covered round by its glacis, that, much as it made itself felt, the Allies, at the beginning of the war, hardly knew the form of its structure. They have since learnt that it was a small square tower 27 feet high, with a diameter of 50 feet, and surrounded by a ditch, liesidcs a piece placed for the defence of its drawbridge, it mounted on its summit 8 guns, being one at the centre of each of the four sides, and one at each of the four angles.* Of these 8 auns there were 5 that could be brought to bear upon shipping in the waters beneath.*]* The Telegraph Battery was an earthwork on the cliff, which gave it an elevation of 100 feet above the level of the water. It was armed with 5 guns, all haing command towards the sea.:|: The great casemated fastness called Fort Con- stantino stood at the water's edge, and along with Tort Alexander and the Quarantine Sea-fort con- tributed largely to the cross fire which defended the entrance of the roadstead and its approaches. As we have already seen, it was a work built of stone, with a front wall of from five and a half to

  • Todleben, p. 118. The 'Wasp' was called by the Rns-

sians the VolokhofT Tower. There was no sufTicient room on the tower to work so many guns ; and according to some Rus- sian statements, it was mainly with one gnn that the tower from the beginning to the end of the war kept alive the atten tion of our seamen. t Ibid. p. 333. J Ibid. p. 117. This was the work which the Russians called the KartachcfTsky Battery.